"A fine cigar is the essence of life. The tobacco plant comes from the earth, from which we ourselves were created. Like ourselves, each leaf grows and is nurtured individually, acquiring its own characteristics, and is then graded, sorted, and matured according to their special abilities. As tobacco comes to its graduation in the making of cigars, as with the making of adults, some is left on the cutting room table and become ordinary, run-of-the-mill products. Some graduate into leadership and areas of responsibility, but a few achieve greatness, and even a touch of immortality." -Prince Sined Yar Maharg

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Administrator "Gentlemen, you may smoke." -King Edward VII
Administrator "A fine cigar is the essence of life. The tobacco plant comes from the earth, from which we ourselves were created. Like ourselves, each leaf grows and is nurtured individually, acquiring its own characteristics, and is then graded, sorted, and matured according to their special abilities. As tobacco comes to its graduation in the making of cigars, as with the making of adults, some is left on the cutting room table and become ordinary, run-of-the-mill products. Some graduate into leadership and areas of responsibility, but a few achieve greatness, and even a touch of immortality." -Prince Sined Yar Maharg
Administrator "[Cigars are] the only realized ambition which has not brought disillusion." -Somerset Maugham, Writer
Administrator "If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!" -Mark Twain
Administrator "There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar." -Prince Sined Yar Maharg
Administrator "Allah made tobacco grow to put a smile on the faces of men." -An old Turkish proverb
Administrator "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a Smoke." -Rudyard Kipling, Writer
Administrator "Blessed be the man who invented smoking, the soother and comforter of a troubled spirit, allayer of angry passions, a comfort under loss of breakfast, and to the roamer of desolate places, the solitary wayfarer through life, serving for wife, children, and friends." -Unknown
Administrator "A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." -Unknown
Administrator "A fine cigar is like a fine woman. They come in all shapes and sizes. Treat them tenderly and lovingly. Caress their skin, admire their beauty, fondle them with reverence. Bring them slowly to your lips, enjoy their flavor, their aroma. Contemplate their essence, their dependability, and forgive them their weaknesses - if there be any. Revel in the rituals, their simplicity and their enduring meanings. Do these things, my son, and the blessings of life shall always be upon you." -Prince Sined Yar Maharg
Administrator "There's something about smoking a cigar that feels like a celebration. It's like a fine wine. There's a quality, a workmanship, a passion that goes into the smoking of a fine cigar." -Demi Moore
Administrator "While smoking a cigar, we are in the presence of eternity. The tobacco reminds us of the earth, from which it and we came. As with ourselves, the life of some cigars are short, while others last a while longer, but in the end all are consumed. But the smoke, ah, the smoke! The smoke drifts gently heavenward on its quest to combine with the great eternal oneness." -Prince Sined Yar Maharg
Administrator "If I paid ten dollars for a cigar, first I'd make love to it, then I'd smoke it." -George Burns
Administrator "If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to, I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral." -George Burns
Administrator "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar!" -Thomas Marshall, VP for Woodrow Wilson
Administrator "If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife." -Zino Davidoff
Administrator "I'll smoke anything anybody gives me, I'm not particular." -Peter Falk
Administrator "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." -Sigmund Freud
Administrator "Asthma doesn't seem to bother me any more unless I'm around cigars or dogs. The thing that would bother me most would be a dog smoking a cigar." -Steve Allen
Administrator "Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke." -Lynda Barry
Administrator "A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later, when you see the guy in an elevator and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see." -Phyllis Battelle
Administrator "Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle." -George Burns
Administrator "I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill." -George Burns
Administrator "If castaway cigar butts once were the floor symbol of the male-dominated convention, the equivalent symbol this year is a litter of women's pumps." -Francis X. Clines
Administrator "There are men here and there to whom the whole of life is like an after-dinner hour with a cigar; easy, pleasant, empty, perhaps enlivened by some fable of strife to be forgotten - before the end is told - even if there happens to be any end to it." -Joseph Conrad
Administrator "There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting of every cigar, the drinking of every cup, the time of rising and going to bed every day, and the beginning of every bit of work, are subjects of express volitional deliberation." -William James
Administrator "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke." -Rudyard Kipling
Administrator "A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke." -Groucho Marx
Administrator "I have made it a rule never to smoke more that one cigar at a time." -Mark Twain
Administrator "There is nothing more agreeable than having a place where one can throw on the floor as many cigar butts as one pleases without the subconscious fear of a maid who is waiting like a sentinel to place an ashtray where the ashes are going to fall." -Fidel Castro
Administrator "The only way to break a bad habit was to replace it with a better habit." Jack Nicholson, explaining why he switched from cigarettes to cigars" -Jack Nicholson
Administrator "If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to, I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral." -George Burns
Administrator "Ah, if only I had brought a cigar with me! This would have established my identity." -Charles Dickens
Administrator "I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -Winston Churchill
Administrator "Given the choice between a woman and a cigar, I will always choose the cigar." -Groucho Marx
Administrator "The Christians met on the way many people who were going to their towns, women and men, with a firebrand in the hand, and certain weeds whose smoke they inhale which are dry weeds stuffed into a certain dry leaf in the form of a muset made of paper, like the ones the children make on the day of the Holy Ghost; and burning a part of it, from the other part they suck or absorb or admit the smoke with breathing." -Christopher Columbus, from his Navigation diary
Administrator "Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar." -Mark Twain
Administrator "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" -Abe Lincoln
Administrator "A wisely chosen cigar to me, is like a weapon against certain of life's torments, in some mysterious way, a little blue smoke chases them away." -Zino Davidoff
Administrator "I love going to the factories of La Plata, or Little Havana and seeing them roll cigars. I get excited. To me it is more beautiful than a topless club" -Al Goldstein
Administrator "When I stopped smoking cigars it was the biggest mistake I made in my life. So my resolution for '98 is I'm going to start smoking cigars again. I gave them up about a year and a half ago, and I now realize that it may have been my one last fun, interesting thing to do." -David Letterman
Administrator "There's nothing quite like tobacco: it's the passion of decent folk, and whoever lives without tobacco doesn't deserve to live." -Don Juan
Administrator "Smoking is indispensable if one has nothing to kiss." -Sigmund Freud
Administrator "I am sure there are many things better than a good cigar, but right now, I can't think of what they might be." -Richard Carleton
Administrator "But when I don't smoke I scarcely feel as if I'm living. I don't feel as if I'm living unless I'm killing myself." -Russell Hoban
Administrator "I promised myself that if ever I had some money that I would savor a cigar each day after lunch and dinner. This is the only resolution of my youth that I have kept, and the only realized ambition which has not brought disillusion." -Somerset Maugham
Administrator "After a truly good meal, an outstanding cigar is still the most satisfying after-dinner activity that doesn't involve two human beings." -Brad Shaw
Administrator "A good cigar is as great a comfort to a man as a good cry to a woman." -Bulwer-Lytton, E. G.
Administrator "Cigarette sales would drop to zero overnight if the warning said 'CIGARETTES CONTAIN FAT.'" -Dave Barry
Administrator "A cigar has...a fire at one end and a fool at the other." -Horace Greely
Administrator "To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did, I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain
Administrator "Only fine cigars are worth smoking, and only men who smoke fine cigars are worth kissing." -Joan Collins
Administrator ". . . for the man, or woman, who works in tobacco, a cigar is a gift in the form of a skillfully created roll of the plant he has struggled to cultivate and produce." -Roger Ralphs
Administrator "I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age I have to hold on to something." -George Burns
Administrator "A good cigar is like a beautiful chick with a great body who also knows the American League box scores." -Klinger, M*A*S*H
Administrator "The difference between a man and his valet: they both smoke the same cigars, but only one pays for them." -Robert Frost
Administrator "What smells so? Has somebody been burning a Rag, or is there a Dead Mule in the Back yard?" -Eugene Field
holysmoke I wish to say that I'm not ashamed of anything whatever that I do, and I don't feel that smoking makes me ashamed, and therefore I mean to smoke (cigars) to the glory of God."-Charles Spurgeon
NewGuy The light ones may be killers, the dark ones mild; not the wrappers but the fillers, make cigars or women wild. -Keith Preston
NewGuy Our country has plenty of five-cent cigars, but the trouble is they charge fifteen cents for them. -Will Rogers
NewGuy Tobacco is a dirty weed: I like it. It satisfiies no moral need: I like it. It makes you thin, it makes you lean, it takes the hair right off your bean; it's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen: I like it. -Graham Hemminger
NewGuy A good CIGAR tells the truth about it's FARM. A bad CIGAR tells the truth about its MAKER. -adapted from G.K. Chesterson (sub: NOVEL, CHARACTER, NOVEL, WRITER)
NewGuy By the cigars they smoke and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men's souls. -John Galsworthy
burn1 "The greatest cigar to smoke is the one you are currently smoking" Zino Davidoff
burn1 "Burn them...one by one... slowly" James Humes
burn1 " You better take advantage of the cigars.You don't get much else in that job" Tip O'Neill to VP Walter Mondale
SenorPablo "The cigar smoker, like the perfect lover or bagpipe player, is a calm man, slow and sure of his wind" -Marc Alyn
stogie_foggie "Cigar smoking knows no politics. It's about the pursuit of pleasure, taste, and aroma.",Anonymous
ljlemer You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit. It's one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love, so much less costly in emotional wear and tear. -- Aldous Huxley
texlewee The only thing better than a good cigar is ANOTHER good cigar. -- Texlewee
texlewee I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em. - Ron White
texlewee Why pay $100 on a therapy session when you can spend $25 on a cigar? Whatever it is will come back; so what, smoke another one. - Raul Julia
texlewee Maybe it's like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it; everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace. - Raul Julia
texlewee I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the environment. - Raul Julia
texlewee A cigar is as good as memories that you have when you smoked it. - Raul Julia
texlewee I just smoked a Cohiba the other day. It was great. You have to appreciate everything that cigar is. - Daisy Fuentes
texlewee There are men here and there to whom the whole of life is like an after-dinner hour with a cigar; easy, pleasant, empty, perhaps enlivened by some fable of strife to be forgotten - before the end is told - even if there happens to be any end to it. - Joseph Conrad
texlewee Mr. (George) Burns comes out and flips cigar ashes on his shoes, and makes up about 90 percent of what you hear. - Bobby Darin
texlewee A youth with his first cigar makes himself sick; a youth with his first girl makes other people sick. - Mary Wilson
texlewee I would smoke a cigar once in a while, but mostly cigarettes. I was lucky. I just stopped smoking cigarettes and went back to cigars. - Raul Julia
texlewee I never can understand how anyone can not smoke it deprives a man of the best part of life. With a good cigar in his mouth a man is perfectly safe, nothing can touch him, literally. -Thomas Mann
texlewee When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed,and calm refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name - Charles H. Spurgeon
texlewee The end of a good smoke is a little saddening. In some regard, it's a bit like losing a best friend who had time to sit and listen. - ZenWarrior
texlewee .... Yet thy true lovers more admire, by far, Thy naked beauties--give me a cigar! - ...from The Island, Canto II, by Lord Byron
texlewee A cigar ought not to be smoked solely with the mouth, but with the hand, the eyes, and with the spirit.- Zino Davidoff
texlewee Women are jealous of cigars... they regard them as a strong rival. - William Makepeace Thackeray, English Author
texlewee The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana Cigar. - Evelen Waugh
texlewee Cigarettes are for chain-smoking, cigars must be smoked one at a time, peaceably, with all the leisure in the world. Cigarettes are of the instant, cigars are for eternity. - G. Cabera Infante, Cuban novelist
texlewee If you must smoke, take your butt outside. - Author Unknown
texlewee Yes, social friend, I love thee well, In learned doctor's spite; Thy clouds all other clouds dispel, And lap me in delight. ~Charles Sprague, "To My Cigar"
texlewee A Hoyo de Monterrey double corona is my favourite Cuban since Desi Arnaz. ~ Bill Cosby
texlewee They had no good cigars there, my Lord; I left the place in disgust." ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson, English poet, returning from Venice
texlewee On a cold winter morning a cigar fortifies the soul." ~ Stendhal, pseudonym of Marie-Henri Beyle, French writer
texlewee Bitter Cigars and Bitter Women: Both should be discarded and replaced posthaste. ~ Texlewee~
Aequitas86 “Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavour, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!” -Winston Churchill
texlewee I know a man who gave up smoking (cigars), drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself." - Johnny Carson
texlewee Cigars are like a welcome friend......A friend that we gladly set on fire, suck on their ass end, and lament when we have fully incinerated them, generally crushing or stomping their final remains into a barely recognizable pulp..... Then we repeat...... ~texlewee~
Little Audi Guy Women are like cigars, you have to pay attention to them or they'll go out on you.
lowpro75 "There is nothing like a good cigar, and this, is nothing like a good cigar." Dr. Frazier Crane (Cheers)
texlewee ~ Given a choice between a Swisher Sweet and an Old Fashioned Butt Whoopin, I would hope my wounds heal quickly.~ Texlewee~
texlewee I didn't play at collecting. No cigar anywhere was safe from me. ~Edward G. Robinson~
Bob Cordell Your favorite cigar can sometimes be like one of your best pals, most of the time you are gald thay are around but on occasion they can be difficult to deal with!
Bob Cordell Damn, Im down to my last 50 smokes!
Samhain2000 A cigar in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Samhain2000 A cigar is like a gun. You never know when you will need one.
nukbucko I promised myself that if ever I had some money that I would savor a cigar each day after lunch and dinner. This is the only resolution of my youth that I have kept, and the only realized ambition which has not brought disillusion.— Somerset Maugham
stogie_foggie “No one can tell me what is a good cigar - for me. I am the only judge. People who claim to know say that I smoke the worst cigars in the world. They bring their own cigars when they come to my house.” - Mark Twain
mike46 "I started pipe and cigar smoking to help me quit cigarettes. Now I smoke cigars, pipes, AND cigarettes" ..... Morris Schector
junglepete My boy, smoking is one of the greatest and cheapest enjoyments in life, and if you decide in advance not to smoke, I can only feel sorry for you." (Sigmund Freud)
junglepete "To smoke is human; to smoke cigars is divine." (Anon)
junglepete In the early days of World War II, Winston Churchill received a message from the manager of Dunhill, whose shop had just been bombed: "Your cigars are safe, Sir."
junglepete "A cigar numbs sorrow and fills the solitary hours with a million gracious images." (Georges Sand)
junglepete "There's nothing like a good cigar after a hard day's work. It's so relaxing, a pure luxury to be savoured and enjoyed. Something to look forward to." (M.Crijnen)
junglepete "Gentlemen, you may smoke." (King Edward VII after ascending to the British throne in 1901)
junglepete "It's an art to enjoy living. Cigars enable you to enjoy living." (C.G.B. Bernard)
junglepete "If I cannot smoke in heaven, then I shall not go." (Mark Twain)
junglepete "If you forget a line all you have to do is stick the cigar in your mouth and puff on it until you can think of what you've forgotten." (Groucho Marx)
junglepete "He who doth not smoke hath either known no great griefs, or refuseth himself the soltest consolation, next to what which comes from heaven." (E.G. Bulwer-Lytton)
junglepete "If a woman knows a man's preferences, including his preferences in cigars, and if a man knows what a woman likes, they will be suitably armed to face one another." (unknown)
junglepete "Tobacco is the plant that converts thoughts into dreams." (Victor Hugo)
junglepete "Smoking cigars is a better way of breathing." (C.G.B. Bernard)
360 “Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” --George Burns
Eddie Handling a fine, aesthetically pleasing cigar? Get a manicure!
mcdimond "I need a lot of cigars... About 1,000 Petit Upmanns." - John F Kennedy, before signing the Cuban embargo
mcdimond "I'm not supporting their economy, I'm burning their crops." - Kinky Friedman, about smoking Cuban cigars
SWAT253 "I smoked an Alec Bradley Java with my father-in-law last week. I broke out in cold sweats and I threw up. It was great!" My work partner on our way to the cigar shop.
SWAT253 "I once smoked a bad cigar, just to see what it was like." - SWAT253
mcdimond "A cigar makers' organization once said that I was the most famous cigar smoker in the world. I don't know if that's true, but once while visiting Havana, I went to a cigar factory. There were four hundred people there rolling cigars, and when they saw me, they all stood up and applauded." - Groucho Marx
BigSmokeDan "Smoking cigars doesn't mean you are going to Hell, It just makes you smell like you already been there." - My pastor
mcdimond "Smoking a cigar from the wrong end may result in a bad experience." - Wikipedia
mcdimond "A smoke in times of rest is a great companion to the solitary soldier." - Che Guevara
BlackIrish "My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite, smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them." ~ Winston Churchill (on dining, during a conversation with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia)
mike46 Of course it's a good cigar Edith, it came in its own test tube ......... Archie Bunker.
dieselcricket "....but I also smoke when I'm by myself and it makes me feel like I'm not by myself. If you have a cigar, it's like a little bit of company."--George Lopez
Jackal "Don’t like to do anything half-heartedly, even if it is a wicked and self-destructive avocation like smoking cigars" - Curtis Lemay
Hot Stuff x "A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth." -- C.S. Lewis
mike6206 Pittsburgh Penguins broadcaster Mike Lange says this on a Pens' goal that burns past the opposing goalie: "He smoked 'em like a bad cigar!'
ROTHNH "If you can't send money, send tobacco." -George Washington to the Continental Congress, 1776.
Vanilla Gorilla A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later, when you see the guy in an elevator and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see.
Vanilla Gorilla I did the cover of Cigar Aficionado, so I'm supposed to talk about loving cigars. I've smoked them a couple of times. My father used to smoke cigars. I love the idea and the concept, and I love the smell of cigars.Gina Gershon
Vanilla Gorilla I didn't play at collecting. No cigar anywhere was safe from me.Edward G. Robinson
Vanilla Gorilla I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the environment. Raul Julia
Vanilla Gorilla Why pay $100 on a therapy session when you can spend $25 on a cigar? Whatever it is will come back; so what, smoke another one. Raul Julia
simcha There are two things worth living for, one is a good cigar, the other is a better one.
NES Tek "A good cigar is like tasting a good wine: you smell it, you taste it, you look at it, you feel it - you can even hear it. It satisfies all the senses." - Anonymous
cigarburglar Chance favors the prepared mind....but the prepared mind favors a good cigar!!!
Shukpaw The BRO code #149. A Bro pretends to enjoy cigars. - From the show How I Met Your Mother
Romeo If I paid ten dollars for a cigar, first I'd make love to it, then I'd smoke it. ~ George Burns
Romeo Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar. ~ Mark Twain
mike6206 From the M*A*S*H episode"Fade Out, Fade In:" COL. POTTER: Cigar? RADAR: Will it stunt my growth? COL. POTTER: Whattya got to loose? RADAR: Is it Habit forming? COL. POTTER: Nah, I've smoked 5 cigars a day and never got the habit! RADAR: That's good to know! (After lighting cigars, Radar makes a puzzled look) COL POTTER: Nothin' like a good cigar on a clear morning! RADAR: Or Cream of Wheat. Later, Radar was found over the hill, sick from his first cigar...
jchism It has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain when awake. ~Mark Twain
jchism Coffee and tobacco are complete repose. ~Turkish Proverb
cigarnewbe Just Remember that a good cigar will make you forget about the troubles of the world even if just for a moment!........Rick Milhorn
ProbateGeek Nobody who has an abstract standard of right and wrong can possibly think it wrong to smoke a cigar. ~ G.K. Chesterton in "On American Morals"
jchism A cigar smoker herself, Catherine the Great declared any man who doesn't partake in cigar smoking to be nothing more than a "weak-willed, meandering oaf" and swore she would never put her lips to those "of any creature, man or beast, whose lips were not fresh awash in the currents of cigar smoke."
jchism "My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite, smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them." - Winston Churchill
texlewee "Wow, It sure is smokey in here!!" ,She said. " It's a cigar bar", said the owner. She replied, " So do you sell cigars?" - Blonde at my B & M.
Brlesq "Your uncle and I were quite content with all the time he spent on his cigar hobby, and then some SOB had to go and invent Viagra." - My 74 year old Aunt.
jchism Life is an experience, a cigar is there to punctuate that experience.
cocon "I expect a cigar.....not lit, hopefully" - Phil Jackson
cocon "I smoked my first cigar in 1991, when we won the championship. Up to that point, I had never smoked a cigar, never smoked anything." - Michael Jordan
cocon "no cigar or pipe smoking, except for Red Auerbach". - Boston area bars and restaurants in the '60's
cocon “It all began when I was a teenager…I found out that Hemingway spent a lot of time deep-sea fishing and smoking Cuban cigars.” - Michael Nouri
cocon “I say ‘Ernie, I’m smoking a robusto Rico Habano. You got a coupla boxes we can put in the movie?’ He says, ‘Hell yeah!’” - Joey Pantoliano
cocon "Pipe-smokers spend so much time cleaning, filling and fooling with their pipes, they don't have time to get into mischief." - Bill Vaughan
cocon "The cigar must match the shape of the smoker. Round-faced people should avoid long, thin cigars and vice-versa." - Kees Van Dongen
cocon "I'll shake their hand or buy them a Daniel Webster cigar!" - John Wayne in True Grit
Herfin Chef "Stimulating the American economy, one cigar at a time ". -Herfin Chef-
cocon "There's something about having a great bottle of wine and a great cigar. Nothing compares to it. " - D.L. Hughley
cocon "I started smoking these little Italian cigars just so there was some of that smell in the air." - Francis Ford Coppola
cocon "Aficionado my ass...I just love to smoke cigars" - James Woods
cocon "Cigar smoking by it's very nature is much more reflective than interactive." - Michael Douglas
cocon "Cognac and cigars... it's like finding the perfect woman. When you've got her, why go chasing after another?" - Michael Nouri
cocon "Pull out a Montecristo at a dinner party and the political liberal turns into the nicotine facist." -Martyn Harris
cocon "To fully appreciate fine cigars, it's important to recognize the various types of cigars. There are two basic categories of cigar. The lit and unlit." - P. Martin Shoemaker
jchism I bet there's rich folks eatin' in a fancy dining car They're probably drinking coffee and smoking big cigars - Johnny Cash ("Folsom Prison Blues")
Brlesq "A nice cigar at the end of the day really sets things right again." ~ by torqueknot
cocon " I don't trust air I can't see" - Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide, smoking a cigar on a submarine.
cocon GH “How do you like that cigar?”, DW “It’s good sir”, GH “It’s your first?”, DW (coughing) “Yeah”, GH “Well, don’t like it too much. They’re more expensive than drugs” - Gene Hackman to Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide.
cocon "Any cigar smoker is a friend, because I know how he feels.” – Alfred de Musset
cocon "Still smoking cheap cigars?" - Agent David North shooting Logan's (Wolverine) cigar to pieces.
Shukpaw “It's amazing how you can do without the necessities of life, provided you have the little luxuries.” Paris, while starting his cigar in the movie Pitch Black.
jchism FOOTBALL REFEREE: What are you doing with that cigar in your mouth? PROFESSOR WAGSTAFF (Groucho Marx): Why, do you know another way to smoke it? - Horse Feathers (1932)
cocon "The enjoyment of a cigar after a hard week gives me a feeling of well-being and relaxation that a Valium could not match. While there may be a more ideal form of stress reduction, I haven't yet discovered anything else as effective and easy." - Lou Gehrig
doubleott05 You know those will give you cancer. "Mom smoking a cigar is like enjoying wine, and you drink lots of wine." -Elliot Youngstrom
cocon "I love to smoke. I wish I had more than two hands so I can hold more cigars" - Johnny Depp
jchism Category: Top Ten Bill Clinton Tips For a Happy, Healthy Marriage #6. If you must smoke cigars, get an actual humidor. - The Late Show with David Letterman
cocon "I believe that a good cigar, a glass of wine and a good conversation is as close to euphoria as you can get in a legal sense" - Sylvester "Sly" Stallone
cocon "I think cigars are just a tremendous addition to the enjoyment of life." - Rush Limbaugh
cocon "Amid billowing clouds of fragrant and aromatic first, second, and sometimes third hand premium cigar smoke" - Rush Limbaugh
jchism "If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife." - Zino Davidoff
ROTHNH "We're all Cigar Geeks, really." - Brad Paisely's Bandleader, Marcy
jchism "Throughout my life, cigars have played different roles for me. They fit easily and well in the various stages and experiences I've had -- like a companion, almost. If you've smoked a long time, as I have, they become part of you." - LeRoy Neiman
cocon "I have never met a cigar smoker who wasn't a man of quality. I weight my words; Never." - Christophe Navarre
cocon "Cuba imports cigars from him." - The World's Most Interesting Man, Dos Equis Commercial
Paperpath "Stinky? No; this is the smell of important people!" - A cigar chum to my wife's comment about the frangrant cloud that we were making.
cocon "Well I'm a sucker for fine Cuban cigars,The problem is I can't afford 'em." - Brad Paisley, The Cigar Song
cgarsmoker A Cigar is like tiny pieces of time
cgarsmoker A Cigar is like,......nothing A Cigar is in it's own class
jchism "There is one good thing about being the Commanding General, beyond the pageantry, the ridiculous vanity, something few of them would ever understand. You can get the best cigars." - General Ulysses S. Grant
jchism The rich smell of tobacco, wafting through the Marlins' dugout from one of Jack McKeon's cigars. He had four cigars in his front pocket, and smoked in peace in the corner of the dugout two hours before the game. "It's hard to get away," he said. - The Palm Beach Post (archived)
nirab "Remember to always love your cigars as much as they love you" - nirab
nirab "when all else fails, grab a cigar" - nirab
jchism "There are no ugly cigars, only ugly smokers." - H.L. Mencken
cocon "The enjoyment of a cigar after a hard week gives me a feeling of well-being and relaxation that a Valium could not match. While there may be a more ideal form of stress reduction, I haven't yet discovered anything else as effective and easy." - Lou Gehrig
nirab "Don't get too obsessed with cigars...make sure you only smoke 'em on days that end with a y" - nirab
cocon "We did all that for a d*** cigar!" - Tyrese Gibson in 2 Fast 2 Furious, after recovering a package
Akkahuna "I love my cigar,but I take it out of my mouth once in a while." - Groucho Marx
Akkahuna After a meal there's nothing like a good cigar. - Clint Eastwood from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Akkahuna Some sigh for this and that;My wishes don't go far;The world may wag at will,So I have my cigar.- Thomas Hood
Akkahuna If I ever meet one of you Texas waddies who says he had never drank water out of a horse track I think I'll shake his hand, give him a Daniel Webster cigar.- John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn from the movie True Grit
cocon "Why didn't you slide?", "I had a cigar in my back pocket, and I didn't want to break it." - Wilford Brimley to Michael Madsen in The Natural
cocon "I wish I lived in the Golden Age giving it up on the Broadway stage. Hang with the rats and smoke cigars have a break with Frank and count the stars." - Heineken Commercial
cocon "Rhythm is best expressed in any swing directed at a cigar stump or a dandelion head" - Grantland Rice
cocon "Cuban cigars are an acquired taste, like Scotch whisky. If you’re not used to them, you’ll get a headache, you’ll find them much too strong. But to a cigar connoisseur, a longtime smoker, if you have a well-made, well-aged one, there is nothing like a Cuban cigar. Getting them is the ultimate mission; any cigar lover would do anything" - Marvin Shanken
freakydeakydutchman "The cigar numbs sorrow and fills the solitary hours with a million gracious images."
freakydeakydutchman "If you kiss a cigar, it will kiss you back. If you treat it like a dog, it will turn around and bite you." George Brightman
freakydeakydutchman "The cigar...is something that commands respect. It is made for all the senses, for all the pleasures, for the nose, the palate, the fingers, the eyes... A good cigar contains the promise of a totally pleasurable experience."Zino Davidoff
freakydeakydutchman "Whiskey and cigars...it's like finding the perfect woman. When you've got her, why go chasing after another?"
cocon “I loved sitting on my veranda sipping quality scotch, puffing a Cuban cigar and watching Cuba on the horizon, or the oceanic vista. Did this late in the evenings many times.” - Dirk Benedict
PKAmmoTroop "I smoke in moderation, only one cigar at a time." - Mark Twain
Joel B "Presented to Joe DiMaggio by his fellow players on the New York Yankees to express their admiration for his consecutive-game hitting record, 1941." - Actual Inscription on a Cigar Humidor Presented to Joe DiMaggio on August 29, 1941
87North Alas, I bought some boxes that should have been 5-packs, some 5-packs that should have been singles, and more yard gars than I have yard for. DogMan -
cocon "What I like most about cigars is simply sitting and talking with other men… Some of the best conversations I’ve ever had with men have been over a cigar.” - Jim Belushi
jchism GEN. BUFORD (Sam Elliot): The Indians have a saying: "Follow the cigar smoke, find the fat man there." - Gettysburg (1993)
cocon "With a cigar like in life, you got to have some length, and some girth." - D.L. Hughley
jchism Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far, fly high, You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try; They're gonna love you. - Pink Floyd, "Have A Cigar" (Wish You Were Here)
jchism "Clinton had to do a lot of public-relations gymnastics to hide the fact that he not only liked to have an unlit cigar in his mouth, but that he liked to light them up, too." - Cigar Aficionado
jchism "During the Cuban missile crisis, every time I saw [President Kennedy] on the second floor of the White House, he was smoking a Cuban cigar." - Arthur Goldberg, former Supreme Court Justice
jchism "The only way to break a bad habit was to replace it with a better habit." - Jack Nicholson (Explaining why he switched from cigarettes to cigars.)
cocon "The day after God created great cognac He realized He'd only done half the job and so He created great cigars. Then, He knew it was better than good. And it was the evening and morning of the eighth day." - The novel Jack in the Box by John Weisman
jchism "My boy! Smoking is one of the greatest and cheapest enjoyments in life, and if you decide in advance not to smoke, I can only feel sorry for you." - Sigmund Freud (To his nephew, Harry, after he declined a cigar)
jchism "At 6, my uncle stole my pacifier, gave me a cigar, and I've been smoking ever since. It's kind of an oral fixation." - Kinky Friedman
zigsart "Smoke up Johnny!!"- Bender from the Breakfast Club
cocon "So Charlie, you smoke cigars?" "I would smoke a rabbit if I could keep it lit." Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men
Mautrak Divine in hookas, glorious in a pipe, When tipp’d with amber, mellow, rich, and ripe; Like other charmers, wooing the caress, More dazzlingly when daring in full dress; Yet thy true lovers more admire by far, Thy naked beauties—give me a cigar!" - Lord Byron
cavenbk "Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle." - George Burns
jchism Frank opened a cigar box. Cuban Cohibas. He pressed one with his index finger and shook his head. "Guy spends four, five hundred bucks a box but doesn't know enough to put them in a humidor." He sighed, thinking about the hours of good smoking shot to hell. - Robert Andrews, from his novel, A Murder of Honor
jchism Any man who would bite the end off of a cigar is capable of any misdeed! - "Jonathan Steed" in the British TV series, The Avengers
Zeked "There is somthing about a Cigar....Something incredibly Pleasant. There is Something about a Cigar, I wish that I had one at Present .". With apologies to Ogden Nash.
hebron "I pledged myself to smoke but one cigar a day. I kept the cigar waiting until bedtime, then I had a luxurious time with it. But desire persecuted me every day and all day long. I found myself hunting for larger cigars...within the month my cigar had grown to such proportions I could have used it as a crutch." - Mark Twain
hebron "There are two things a man never forgets; his first love and his first cigar." - John Bain
hebron "Where there's a good smoke there's a cigar smoker." - Cuban saying
hebron "As you approach thirty, you have a thirty ring gauge; as you approach fifty, you have a fifty ring gauge." - Cuban saying
hebron "Here, have a cigar. Light it up and be somebody." - from the film: Pete Kelly's Blues
hebron "The cigar is the perfect complement to an elegant lifestyle." - George Sand
hebron "To know how to smoke is to recover certain forgotten rhythms, to re-establish communication with the self." - Zino Davidoff
hebron "The best cigar in the world is the one you prefer to smoke on special occasions, enabling you to relax and enjoy that which gives you maximum pleasure." - Zino Davidoff
hebron "A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world." - Franz Liszt
hebron "In the future all men will be able to smoke Havanas." - Her Doktor Schutte, a Marxist.
hebron "Life is too short to smoke bad cigars." - ZenWarrior
hebron "A woman is just a script, but a cigar is a motion picture." - Samuel Fuller
hebron "Lastly (and this is, perhaps the golden rule), no woman should marry a man who does not smoke." - Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque
hebron "I vow and believe that the cigar has been one of the greatest creature comforts of my life -- a kind companion, a gentle stimulant, an amiable anodyne, a cementer of friendship." - William Thackeray
hebron "Cigar smoking is more than a hobby; it’s a lifestyle." - Dennis Kennedy, 2GentlemenReview
hebron "There is no monogamy in cigar smoking." - Victor Vitale, Tortuga and Legacy Cigars
hebron "Cigar smokers share a bond that is second to none." - Gino Domanico, Bodega Premium Blends
hebron "For thy sake, tobacco, I would do anything but die." - Charles Lamb
hebron "A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigar, reading a book." - Robert M. Gates
Brlesq The doctor said I needed to start drinking more whiskey. Also, I'm calling myself "the doctor" now.
Brlesq "I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs." ~ Albert Einstein
sauraspop I smoke cigars occasionally, I don't know a lot about cigars. Like I'm at the cigar store, the man behind the counter says "what kind of cigars do you like?" "Uhh... Itsaboys." ~Mitch Hedberg~
sauraspop Blondie: You may run the risks, my friend, but I do the cutting. We cut down my percentage - uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim. Tuco: But if you miss you had better miss very well. Whoever double-crosses me and leaves me alive, he understands nothing about Tuco. Nothing! [Chuckles, bites cigar] ~ the movie ~ The Good, the Bad and the Ugly~
scottvodka “A good smoker, like a good lover, always takes his time with a cigar.” - Guillermo Cabrera Infante
amigodecigars "America when a man's word was his bond; when work was considered a privilege; when men looked to themselves and their own prowess for security; when tolerance was the spontaneous outcropping of natural friendliness, and when a man's worth was judged by the quality of his life."
GVH Life is short, death is certain - smoke your best cigar today.
jchism "I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed to-night." - C.H. Spurgeon
bigjohn20081983 Cigar smoking knows no politics. It's about the pursuit of pleasure, taste, and aroma.
bmac7754 "The end of a good smoke is a little saddening. In some regard, it's a bit like losing a best friend who had time to sit and listen." - ZenWarrior
Brlesq "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" ~Leonard Nimoy, a few days before his death
azrmdlr when it comes to cigars:" Enjoy your vises while you can, before they become memories you wont forget. " -azrmdlr
STL_Cohiba When your married your tied down. With Cigars if you don't like them you can throw them away and try another
GameOfCigars "Smoke 'em if you got 'em"
mattroc1 “I believe that many who find that 'nothing happens' when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hand.” - C.S. Lewis, On the Incarnation
Olddog "Honest men, with pipes or cigars in their mouths, have great physical advantages in conversation. You may stop talking if you like, but the breaks of silence never seem disagreeable, being filled up by the puffing of smoke." - William Makepeace Thackeray
CarlosoftHUN Smoking a cigarette is a habit, but smoking a good cigar is a pleasure - Carlos
Chefjohn "I smoke in moderation. Only one cigar at a time." Mark Twain
Chefjohn “It has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain when awake.” Mark Twain
nirab "don't try to figure out a cigar...let it figure you out"... - nirab
nirab there comes a time when only a cigar will do - Hal Jalikakik
nirab enjoying a cigar is meditation, with your eyes open...- nirab
nirab cigarettes deliver nicotine...cigars deliver happiness... - nirab
tuck0411 "Those sticks aren't going to smoke themselves." -- OZZ
LHuetsch “Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavor, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!”
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