Cigar Geeks Secret Santa 2012

Started by Rebecca Silverwolf, 11/01/2012 11:32 PM

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Rebecca Silverwolf

The Holidays are looming near, so I guess that means it's time to start organizing this year's Secret Santa.

Here's how it works...
You must be of at least Veteran status to participate in the Secret Santa.
Once the list has been compiled, you will receive the name of your recipient (randomly assigned) via PM.
Using data available on the site, you will select five good cigars that you believe your recipient would enjoy to send as a gift. One of these five cigars should be designated as a "New Years Smoke", to be smoked as a big virtual herf on New Years. Also in the package, you will include a "lump of coal" cigar. This stick should be of a quality suitable to give to a cigar mooch or friend with no taste buds.
To reiterate, that's a total of six cigars. Five good sticks, with one designated for New Years, and one low-quality stick.

You have until the 19th of this month to put your name in for the Secret Santa. I will let you know who your recipient is shortly after that day. Your recipient should receive their gift before Christmas, so plan accordingly. Remember, mail slows down in December. Include your name in the package, but keep it all secret until then.

If anyone needs special accommodations, on shipping dates or whatever, let me know well in advance.

"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also certain... bullets."

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."

-Captain Malcolm Reynolds



I'M BACK, MF-ers!!!


I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


I'm in! Thanks Rebecca for doing this again! :biggrin:
WOOOOO - Ric Flair

Train, say your prayers, and eat your vitamins - Hulk Hogan


Guru of ruining the moment.



i'm in.

a good deed might get my heart up to two sizes too small.


I'm in again.  Thanks for organizing this, Rebecca.  :thumbsup:
Chief Enabler 
Guru of Decorum & Sarcasm

Hey! How come Habana is written on here with a Sharpie ?!?

A day without whiskey is like . . . just kidding, I have no idea!


I would love to participate! Toss my name in the hat please.  :biggrin:
The Punk Rock Guru of Meditation and Lending a Hand

DON'T believe EVERYTING you THINK...
it's COOL to Be a GEEK!

''Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth.''-Roberto Clemente

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln

"It is possible to live happily in the here and now. So many conditions of happiness are available - more than enough for you to be happy right now." -

Thich Nhat Hanh

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

The Cigar Vault
in Beeuudaful Buda, Texas!




Thanks for running this again!   I will play if you let me
"The Curmudgeon"

Ken Kelley

Thanks for ramrodding this effort again, Rebecca! Please sign me up for another episode.
Guru of Benign Curmudgeonliness, Imperfect Patience, and Reluctant Toleration.


why isnt phonetic spelled like it sounds?

The Lone star Guru of F.A.R.T.(firearms, alcohol, ramble, tobacco)


Count me in again this year!
Simia demulcta mitis


Thanks for running this again Rebecca!  I'm in again.

Twenty years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope. Please don't let Kevin Bacon die!


I'll make Veteran status by 26 November...  can I play?


I have been in a whirlwind at work I haven't been posting a whole lot...But I am so glad I saw this...I am DEFINITELY in on this one!!!!  you know me...any excuse to send someone  care package!!!!
I thought I was wrong once....but I was mistaken....

What good is it to wear your lucky rocketship underpants if nobody wants to see them????


Sounds like fun, count me in!
Guru of Not Following the Rules

Cigar smoking knows no politics. It's about the pursuit of pleasure, taste, and aroma. -Anon

When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for the others.
It is the same when you are stupid....


Sounds cool count me in. Thanks Rebecca :dancing:


Sign me up. Thanks for organizing!
Chief of Shaft


Thanks for doing this again, Rebecca.  I'm in.
I'm right 98% of the time.  Who cares about the other 3%?

Bob Cordell

Sure, might as well again this year...
"I bet there's rich folks eating in fancy dining cars,
They're probably drinkin' coffee and smoking big cigars"

I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.


I'd love to be in again!
"A good cigar is like tasting a good wine: you smell it, you taste it, you look at it, you feel it - you can even hear it. It satisfies all the senses." - Anonymous

"You play five years in a Jimmy Buffett cover band and see what your freakin' wardrobe looks like, butthole!" - gitfiddl

Rebecca Silverwolf

The list so far:

Corey (cmmayo)
Jason (Jackal)
Chip (cocon)
Paul (lubrix)
Toby (toby2)
Bruce (Brlesq)
Brian (nirab)
Don (DonM)
Ken (Alphairon)
Stephen (sjn1117)
Karl (CrazyK)
Paul (SenorPablo)
Peter (Pete314)
Brad (Vroomp)
Angel (BXgreenhorn)
Nathan (nwb)
Neil (Shukpaw)
Bob (Bob Cordell)
Mickey (irratebass)
Nick (NES Tek)

If there are no objections, I will add Matt (mpurtle01) to the list. He will meet the criteria shortly after the list is closed. Everyone else okay with this exception?
"Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. Also certain... bullets."

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."

-Captain Malcolm Reynolds


I can personally vouch for Matt. We recently did a box split and he sent me the cigars first, and also let me delay my payment to avoid interest charges on my credit card. Top notch geek in my book!  :bigthumbs:  :bigthumbs:
The Punk Rock Guru of Meditation and Lending a Hand

DON'T believe EVERYTING you THINK...
it's COOL to Be a GEEK!

''Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth.''-Roberto Clemente

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln

"It is possible to live happily in the here and now. So many conditions of happiness are available - more than enough for you to be happy right now." -

Thich Nhat Hanh

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

The Cigar Vault
in Beeuudaful Buda, Texas!




Count me in as well.  Will be just about my 1 year anniversary as a member/lurker on the site.  Woot.
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."
--George Bernard Shaw;area=public;member=Mvilla888

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