Today's Smoke - Pipe Version No. 3

Started by nwb, 12/18/2013 12:26 PM

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Some Solani Silver Flake in a Ascorti Billard.


I think there's to much smoke In this cigar shop I once heard someone say before I threw them out !


Some more C&D 5'O'Clock Shadow -- in a 1990 Ashton PCI sandblasted cumberland canadian.


my own flake mix. mostly Old Dark Fired. I love the stuff.


Some Presbyterian this morning, in a '79 Peterson Donegal Rocky lovat.


Having a bowl of Balkan Sobranie.
Guru of ruining the moment.


Some of the 2003 McClelland Christmas Cheer, in my Celtic Morta Dublin crafted by Todd Harris.


Molto Dolce in a Country Gentleman
 Guru of Cynicism & Cigars

"Pump the brakes; you take your shirt off but leave your sunglasses on?" "What sort of backwards !@#$ing pageantry is that?" "You going to fight with those shades or play"


Some Cornell & Diehl 5 O'Clock Shadow in a Bertram billiard.


Burley London Blend in a Brand New MM Cob
 Guru of Cynicism & Cigars

"Pump the brakes; you take your shirt off but leave your sunglasses on?" "What sort of backwards !@#$ing pageantry is that?" "You going to fight with those shades or play"


Presbyterian Mixture, in a 1989 Ashton Pebble Shell XXX cumberland billiard.

metalhead y cigarguy

Enjoying a bowl of Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding in my Savinelli KS 320 Trevi.
I'm a Guru playing a Guru disguised as another Guru.;area=public;member=metalhead+y+cigarguy

Instagram: metalhead_cigarguy


Frog Morton Cellar in a MM Cob
 Guru of Cynicism & Cigars

"Pump the brakes; you take your shirt off but leave your sunglasses on?" "What sort of backwards !@#$ing pageantry is that?" "You going to fight with those shades or play"

Hot Stuff x

Quote05Venturer - 12/30/2013  4:39 AM  Burley London Blend in a Brand New MM Cob


Which model did you get?

Guru of Morning Calm and Oriental Wisdom

"So I feel like I've cheated on a wife or long time lover... this is your damn fault Les, you sent me that first Tatuaje!!!!!!  You introduced us!!"  - Bob Cordell

"You got me started on both the Liberty and the Christian's Blend, Les. Now my kids won't be able to go to college." - Brlesq

Hot Stuff x

Scotty's Butternut Burley in a Peterson Kinsale
Guru of Morning Calm and Oriental Wisdom

"So I feel like I've cheated on a wife or long time lover... this is your damn fault Les, you sent me that first Tatuaje!!!!!!  You introduced us!!"  - Bob Cordell

"You got me started on both the Liberty and the Christian's Blend, Les. Now my kids won't be able to go to college." - Brlesq


Brigham Maritime Morning this morning, in a Comoy made Wally Frank Shipmate rhodesian.


Stokkebye Nougat in a MM Legend
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.S. Lewis


Some Dan Tobacco Old Ironsides in an Omar King custom.


Wal-Hall, in a Pipa Croci 1/8th bent dublin.


On to some Capstan Blue Flake in a Don Florian custom.


After dinner it's 2003 McClelland Chirstmas Cheer, in a Charatan Make Executive After Hours poker.


McClelland Wilderness in my MM Bent Legend
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.S. Lewis


second bowl MacB MV in a Pete barrel


4th Generation 1931 in an Omar King 1/4 bent Acorn.


Some Sutliff CD Bleand this morning, in a Taylor Ashton blasted apple.

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