Virtual Yankee Gift Exchange II

Started by Jackal, 10/20/2016 01:30 PM

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This is a thread generated automatically by the Cigar Pass system to discuss the Cigar Pass named 'Virtual Yankee Gift Exchange II'.

Use this link to return back to the Cigar Pass.

Here are the rules for this pass:

Each participant will send the moderator 5 cigars: 2x $6-12value sticks, 2x $12-20 and 1 Hard to find stick. along with $6.80 to cover shipping (flat rate box)

I would then assign these cigars into lots of 2 (1x $5-10 + 1x $10-15) or 1 hard to find stick and each lot assigned a letter designation. The identity of the packages will be shared with the donator, so that they do not accidentally pull their own contributions.

The participants will be randomized, and starting with the first person, they would choose a package. The cigars in that package will then be revealed. The next person would then either choose a new package out of the pile or steal a revealed lot. If stolen, the person who was stolen from gets a turn again to pick or steal. This would go on until all lots are taken.

A lot can only be stolen 3 times before it is frozen and can no longer be taken.

You cannot directly steal back from the person who stole from you within the same person's turn.

At the end, everyone will end up with 3 lots (3-6 cigars depending on whether they got the HTFs or not).

I have a Google Speadsheet that will be used to track each package, its contents and how many times it has been taken.

Unfortunately, because of shipping costs, the $6.80 would be limited to US residents. If Non-US geeks want to participate, we would need to work out shipping costs separately.

Also, because of the time that this pass will take, I am limiting it to 12 members. I will accept requests to join until the 31st of October, and will randomize the sign ups to see who gets in. Still, you must have at least veteran status and no negative pass feedback.

Have fun everyone.

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


Thanks for the invite count me in. Had lot of fun with this last year thanks for doing it again.
"I feel a whole lot more like I do right now, than I did a while ago"


Jason, thanks for the invite. I am in!
Guru Master of the Minions

Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms should be a convenience store, not a department of our government!

Gunga galunga ... gunga, gunga-lagunga." - Carl Spackler

Education is important, cigars are importanter!

I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me


 Guru of Cynicism & Cigars

"Pump the brakes; you take your shirt off but leave your sunglasses on?" "What sort of backwards !@#$ing pageantry is that?" "You going to fight with those shades or play"


If we hit the 12 player maximum, it will be a lottery for who can participate.  However, members from last year's exchange are grandfathered in.

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


I'd like to have my name added to the list/lottery, if you please!
Ex Fumo Dare Lucem


Quote05Venturer - 10/20/2016  3:53 PM  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:   AWESOMESAUCE

:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  

"I feel a whole lot more like I do right now, than I did a while ago"


This was a great pass last year, thanks for running again, I know it ain't easy to keep up with this one!  I'm in!
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form."
-- Winston Churchill

"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues."
-- Abraham Lincoln

"I call this turf 'n' turf. It's a 16 oz T-bone and a 24 oz porterhouse. Also, whiskey and a cigar. I am going to consume all of this at the same time because I am a free American."
-- Ron Swanson


I'd be willing to join if there is room or put on the lottery list.


Jason, do u want cash in with the cigars or PooPal
Guru Master of the Minions

Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms should be a convenience store, not a department of our government!

Gunga galunga ... gunga, gunga-lagunga." - Carl Spackler

Education is important, cigars are importanter!

I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me


QuoteCfickter - 10/21/2016  2:05 PM

Jason, do u want cash in with the cigars or PooPal

PPal is easiest.  However, for those who don't have an account and don't want one, you can send cash with the cigars (no checks of money orders please).

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


Excellent! Will start getting my package ready to fly.
This is not the admin you're looking for...


Please, no one ship until we have everyone confirmed.  I would rather tackle organizing this beast as a one shot, rather than in piecemeal.

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


I'm shipping...I'm kidding...I'm waiting...Sign up guys, this is a fun pass.
This is not the admin you're looking for...


Puff Puff Give....


Puff Puff Give....


Quotejharrisx5 - 10/29/2016  9:39 PM

I'm in!!!

Wait! Jason can't play twice, can he?  If so, that would add a new dimension to this.  We all get that shot!

Chief Enabler 
Guru of Decorum & Sarcasm

Hey! How come Habana is written on here with a Sharpie ?!?

A day without whiskey is like . . . just kidding, I have no idea!


Looks like we have 11 (Same number as last year).  Any other takers?

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


Be nice, bruce...I was just a little excited

At least I didn't piddle
Puff Puff Give....


Quotejharrisx5 - 11/1/2016  7:04 PM

Be nice, bruce...I was just a little excited

At least I didn't piddle


Chief Enabler 
Guru of Decorum & Sarcasm

Hey! How come Habana is written on here with a Sharpie ?!?

A day without whiskey is like . . . just kidding, I have no idea!


Quotejharrisx5 - 11/1/2016  6:04 PM

Be nice, bruce...I was just a little excited

At least I didn't piddle

That we know of anyway...
This is not the admin you're looking for...


We have our group.  

I have most people invited on the google sheet.  If you cannot access it, please send me a PM.

You can send your cigars now, 5 cigars: 2x $6-12value sticks, 2x $12-20 and 1 Hard to find stick. along with $6.80 to cover shipping (flat rate box).  Payment can be sent to my ppal or enclose cash with the cigars.  No checks or money orders please.

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


I requested access to the Google sheet from my Gmail account. Should be recognizable as me. Will get all aspects of this taken care of tonight/tomorrow.
Ex Fumo Dare Lucem


Google spreadsheet is a clunky program.  I think that everyone should be able to view now.

I'll do what I will and I'll drink what I please
I'll smoke what I like 'till I cough and I wheeze
I'll drink and I'll whore and every pleasure realize
For this time tomorrow I may die


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