We're kicking off another year of the Member Sponsored Geek Critiques for 2020. This is Geek Critique where the sponsor (CG member) generously provides a cigar that they would like to see reviewed, and sends it to 5 other active members of our site. The results are posted on the front page for an entire month. The sponsor can hand pick the 5 reviewers, or can leave it open for volunteers.
We are looking for 12 sponsors for 2020. In order to get the best out of each sponsorship, we would like to ask for the following criteria:
Sponsor Criteria:
1. Should be regularly active on the site for the past year.
2. Should be prepared to remain active in the coordinating thread of your sponsorship. This means communicating with 5 reviewers in the thread, announcing when the cigars have been shipped, checking that the cigars have been received, and posting regular reminders of the due date as it nears.
3. Should be prepared to have the cigars to be reviewed delivered NO LATER than the 7th day of the month prior to the review in order to give the reviewers time to let the cigars acclimate and some time do their reviews by the 25th of the month. (For example, if the cigar is set for a February Geek Critique, the cigars must be delivered no later than January 7 since the reviews will be required to be completed by January 25.) It is preferred if you can get the cigars into the reviewers hands earlier, even 4–8 weeks earlier, if possible.
4. Be able to upload a picture of the cigar to the CG Database (using our standard criteria and template) and some background info or "hype" on the cigar.
Sponsors will have the choice of hand picking the 5 reviewers, or can leave it open for volunteers based upon some criteria. If it's a criteria based choice, give some thought as to what criteria you would like posted. Keep solid newbies in the mix. Let the coordinating Administrator know if you prefer to leave the reviewer recruiting up to them. Decide where you will or will not ship too.
Reviewer Criteria:
Reviewers should be firmly committed to get their Geek Critique submitted by the deadline. Prospective reviewers should also contemplate the description of the cigar being reviewed, and only volunteer if it's a cigar that you might enjoy. For example, don't volunteer to review a mild cigar if you don't like mild cigars. Leave the spot open for someone else that might enjoy it and give it a fair score.
Finally, THANK YOU to all the sponsors for 2019! Your generosity is an amazing part of what makes this site so great!
We've already had a few members volunteer to be sponsors, but there are plenty of spots still open! Pick a month to be a sponsor and let me know. And please feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks!
January – Cfickter (Chuck)
February – Kid Montana (Daniel)
March - StogieDad (Michael)
April - nirab (Brian)
May - 05Venturer (Kent)
June - DRuff (Doug)
July - bstessl (Brian)
August – Vroomp (Brad)
September - ninfiction (Brian)
October - Deener27 (David)
November - Beegerply (Byron)
December - Adwinistrator (Ryan)