I like this one better than ours:
https://developingpalates.com/scoring-system/There are seven categories of which only six contribute to the scores; Pre-Light Experience, First Third Flavor, Second Third Flavor, Final Third Flavor, Burn, Draw and Overall Experience. Each category is weighted into how much it contributes to the final score as we don't feel that all categories should count evenly. A breakdown of the weighting is as follows:
Pre-Light Experience – 0%: Even though we describe our experience in this category and give it a ranking, it does not factor in to the score. In our opinion, the look and smell of a cigar before being lit has little effect over whether or not we'll enjoy the cigar. This is similar to the "Go, over show" concept that people into cars will understand.
Each Thirds Flavor – 21%: We feel flavor should be the biggest factor in the rating of a cigar, and that is why the weighting is so high. In adding the thirds, they contribute 63% of the total score.
Burn – 6%: Although burn can have a major effect on the experience, especially if it just won't burn, we think too many people get caught up on whether the burn line is razor sharp. To us, the burn can be wavy. We don't usually go back to the lighter unless there is a drastic issue.
Draw – 9%: Draw is fairly important to the scoring as it can have a huge impact on the experience. If you have a draw issue too far in regards to being loose or tight it will have an impact on flavor and may overheat the cigar based on how you try to deal with it.
Overall – 22%: This category allows for taking the entire experience into account. Specific categories individually may have done really well or really poorly, but when everything comes together, how was the experience?